It's 2009, oh my goodness where did the last year go? Well it was a busy year for me, so much that I haven't had the time to do some of the things that I would like. One of those is to keep up with my blog, my friends at work have been moaning to me that I never update this thing. They are right, but my problem is that I never really have anything to say, what does one blog about. The only people I associate with are the people I work with and they know pretty much everything that is going on in my life because as I am sure they will be the first to tell you is that I like to share and can't keep my big fat trap shut. My family isn't big on communication or computers so there is no point in me updating whats going on with the kids and my family. So..... what to talk about?? I guess I can blog today on not having a subject to blog about, this way I can kill two birds with one stone, I have updated my blog so my friends won't be able to comment on my lack of blogging skills and I have a topic to blog about. I am still trying to think of any news that no one knows, I am in the process of trying to buy a house, nope they know about that. My girls are trying to learn new instruments, the drums and guitar, nope they know that already. OK how about this, I was born a man, Tim isn't really my husband its my real identity, lol. So here you are Ness, my updated blog about having nothing to blog about. Oh and congratulations on the engagement. I wish everyone a great 2009 as I probably won't have anything to blog about until next year, but we can all live in hope.


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