The Sock Bandit

Well hello there all my peasants, its been along time since I have posted I know, in my defense I have been really busy with life, work, school, kids, hub, house, you know how it goes. I also have been a little tense so did not want my blog to become a bitching ground, however something has come to my attention that is so serious of a nature and so diabolical that I had to share immediately so that maybe others can find the solution or at least avoid this criminal.

'Who is this criminal that as our Mama Tan so worked up'? do I hear you say' its the SOCK BANDIT. I bought a lovely pack of socks this weekend, wore a pair on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then put them in the wash, went to find a pair of a certain color that I wanted and low and behold only one sock from each set came back, I searched the dirty washing basket and no joy. WTF who is this sadistic criminal, who by the way happens to have followed me from England because I distinctively remember having the same problem when growing up at home not only did we have the sock bandit to contend with, I also had a brother and sister that I had to be quicker than to get the good socks, there was a moto in our house 'First up Best Dressed'.

Back to my story, I was so concerned that this bandit keeps nicking my socks and I was so concerned with the welfare of others that I Google'd this mystifying phenomenon and was surprised to find there are lots of information on the mysteries of missing socks, one story did lead me to believe hope is out there though. So if you getting discouraged and beaten down by the sock bandit, who just out of curiosity, does he only follow me or is he like Santa and the Tooth Fairy and hit every house? Any-how's, there is hope as you can see on the following news article. Missing Sock Turns Up Safe.

So be warned people, don't let yourself become a victim of this hateful crime, protect yourself, don't wash your socks, don't wear socks or don't buy new socks and you will be safe.


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