Are You a Bottom Feeder

Hello peasants, just kidding. Recently I have been on a little mid life crisis, finding myself in a rut which you have no doubt read and thought I must be losing it, fair not fair people I am actually feeling alot better about a lot of things and I believe its down to simply changing my mind set about certain things. Now what is Tan going on about now, I hear you cry. Well I will reveal my secret, send $10 to the following address and you too can find riches beyond your imagination.

Alright funning aside, my hub bought me this book about a year ago, called 'Fit to Live' by Pamela Peeke. Now I would never nor have I ever wasted my money on a so called self help book, because I know everything and well thats that, or so I thought. When my hub first bought me this book I skimmed through it and there was a bunch of waffle about losing weight and being fit to live life, so I did what most people do with diet and advice books, I threw it in my bedside drawer never to be heard of again. That is, until I move house, whilst unpacking I skimmed through it and for some unknown reason, proablby my changed state of mind I began reading and 'Bobs your Uncle' it kinda made sense, so today I wanted to share soemthing that is in the book that so far I have found so important when it comes to dealing with life, issues, ruts, weight, you name it it all comes under this and that is to ask yourself "are you a bottom feeder".

The basics are that all of us, women especially are hardwired to spend large amounts of time in our dark place, when change comes at us or lifes issues we spend a great deal of time pushing against it or denying it all together. Rather than put our energy towards finding a solution we go to our dark place and bottom feed. We pout, blow our top, stuff our face or dissociate.

Here are 5 Bottom Feeding Habits - Which one are you?

1. Bitch, Moan and Whine (BMW): Why me? Its not fair. I shouldn't have to go through this.

2. The Mental Cuisinart: I can't believe she said that about me. Why would she do that? Am i a bad person? Why hasn't she called?

3. Total Stress-Out: Oh my god...not another change! How am I going to cope with this on top of everything else? I can't deal with this. I can't handle on more thing!

4. Going Postal: How dare they do this to me? No one treats me this way. I'll show them.

5. The Scarlett O'Hara: I'm going to ignore this. If I just pretend it isn't happening, maybe it will go away. Any day now, things are going to go back to the way they were.

Now if you tend to be one of these thats pretty healthy, but we should all try to stop bottom feeding and devote more energy to changing what is bothering us. If you fit into all 5 then you will need lots more help that you can get here. On a side note a quick disclaimer, I do understand that there are certain things in life that we never get over and are beyond imagination to deal with, by that I am talking about death of child, family member murdered rape, etc. If we are all honest with ourselves most of us have not had to deal with these serious types of crisis, I myself have a good friend who lost a baby and each year she re lives it and I wish there was something I could do to take that hurt away, I can't but I can be there for her if she needs it, but, if like most of us we bottom feed on simple things like people at work, our job, our spouses then let be honest and say that these all have solutions, maybe not the easiest, but with drive and determination we can turn our bottom feeding habits into something positive for ourselves.


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