Sad day and salute to the Tide to Go Pen

Well, what a weird and sad day it was yesterday. It was like your childhood was snatched away. No matter what you thought about MJ for those of us who are older he has been such a permanent fixture in our lives, it is kinda hard to comprehend that he is gone, I like many people loved the "black Jackson' era, watched him grow (god now my age is telling) and loved all the ways he stimulated our imaginations with his videos, in the earlier days his eccentricity was kinda cool but then it just got plain weird. So I am sure his legacy will be somewhat like Elvis, we will remember the good years, the early years, weirdness aside, he did contribute so much to the music industry and I will be sad to see that talent gone.

On a more positive note, I would like to give a big shout out to the Tide to Go Pen gods, I must be the most messy person out there, whilst struggling with the bloody bio metric thumb scan to get into the office this morning, juggling my cup of tea, laptop and gorgeous designer handbag I sloshed me tea on, of course my white shirt, it would never have happened had I been wearing black. White shirt god be damned. Once I made it to my trusty desk, i thought to myself "s'cuse me while I whip this out" and out came my trusty Tide to Go pen, I never leave home without it. Tea stain is gone. YAY oh and its Friday and Payday to boot, double YAY!!


Katie said…
YAY for Friday, and Tide pens!!

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